InvestindoxDentons HPRP 2024

Investindo dan Maurice Situmorang (Client Visit Dentons HPRP 28-05-2024) (dok. Pribadi).

Embracing Loyalty and Legacy: Investindo’s Insightful Visit to Dentons HPRP

On May 28, 2024, Investindo had the pleasure of visiting the esteemed Dentons HPRP office in Jakarta. During this visit, we were warmly welcomed by Maurice Situmorang, a key representative and the partner in charge of recruitment at Dentons HPRP. This meeting provided profound insights into the core values that drive the success and longevity of Dentons HPRP, encapsulated in the essence of family, loyalty, and emotional intelligence in professional relationships.

Relationship is Key

At Dentons HPRP, relationships form the bedrock of their business philosophy. Maurice Situmorang emphasized that Dentons HPRP operates not just as a law firm but as a family. This approach transcends traditional professional boundaries, fostering an environment where every member is valued and supported. The principle that “Dentons HPRP is a FAMILY, and the L stands for Loyalty” is not merely a slogan but a deeply ingrained part of their culture.

The “L” in FAMILY Stands for Loyalty

The story of Dentons HPRP is one of enduring commitment and loyalty. From its inception, the firm has embodied loyalty through the contributions of the founders’ wives, who played pivotal roles in managing finances and administration. Today, this legacy continues with partners’ spouses having significant influence in the firm’s decision-making processes. Loyalty at Dentons HPRP is a living, breathing element of their culture, extending from their team to their clients.

Fee is an Emotion

One of the most striking points Maurice shared to us was the idea that Hanafi once said to him “Fee is an emotion.” This concept underscores the importance of understanding and valuing emotional connections in professional relationships. Dentons HPRP views their clients as part of their extended family, standing by them through thick and thin. This emotional investment transforms client relationships from mere transactions to genuine partnerships built on mutual trust and support.

Balancing Tough Love and Professional Excellence

Being part of the Dentons HPRP family means embracing both care and accountability. The firm believes in tough love, a principle that drives growth and improvement within the team and in client interactions. This balance of empathy and high standards ensures that Dentons HPRP remains a leader in the legal industry, combining foundational values with modern, data-driven approaches to decision-making.

A Warm Welcome to New Recruits

For those considering joining Dentons HPRP, Maurice’s message is clear: you are not just joining a firm; you are becoming part of a family that prioritizes loyalty, emotional connection, and professional excellence. Dentons HPRP is committed to nurturing talent, understanding individual aspirations, and working together to navigate challenges and celebrate successes.


Our visit to Dentons HPRP was enlightening and reaffirmed our belief in the power of relationships, loyalty, and emotional intelligence in driving success. At Investindo, we are inspired by these values and look forward to incorporating similar principles into our own operations. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Maurice Situmorang and the entire Dentons HPRP team for their warm welcome and invaluable insights. Stay tuned for more updates and follow us on Instagram for the latest news and insights on our projects and collaborations