Proud Collaboration with OJK: A Commitment to Excellence

Investindo Vendor Meeting at OJK Indonesia 2023 (dok. pribadi).

We are proud to share a significant milestone for Investindo. Since 2023, we have had the privilege of serving as a translator for Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Established under Law No. 21 of 2011, OJK is the regulatory body responsible for the integrated oversight of Indonesia’s financial services sector, including banking, capital markets, and non-bank financial institutions such as insurance, pension funds, and financing companies.

In June 2023, we had the honor of visiting the OJK office for vendor verification, further solidifying our partnership. This collaboration not only underlines our dedication to delivering exceptional translation services but also affirms our standing in Indonesia’s legal translation market.

Being a trusted partner of OJK validates our commitment to excellence and our role in supporting the financial services sector. We look forward to continuing this valuable collaboration and contributing to OJK’s mission. Stay tuned for more updates and follow us on Instagram for the latest news and insights on our projects and collaborations.